David Flatman, former England and Bath Rugby player (and friend of Dents), has kindly taken some time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions for us. Dents have known David for a few years now and he's even been sporting his Dents gloves when presenting on TV! If you want an insight into the world of 'Flats', covering topics from Rugby to personal style, then read on...

Hello David! Thanks for taking part in our interview. Fill us in on what you've been up to since leaving Bath Rugby a few years ago...

Well, I've somehow ended up a bit of a media darling. I now commentate and pundit on professional rugby union as well as writing about it too. Also, I am a corporate speaker and compere, although most of my suits are starting to get a little tight!

Exciting stuff! So what do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to walk my dogs in the fields outside Bath and I am a total car addict. A lottery win would see me disappear into my garage forever...

What is a typical day like for you?

I wake up early, dress and feed my two kids before dropping them at their respective institutions of learning, walk my dogs for an hour, then think about work. Sometimes this is a column or two that needs banging out before school collection time, other times it's travelling to film or commentate at one rugby ground or another. I always like to finish my day with one hour of total relaxation, often revolving around a box set!

If you could do another job for a week, what would you do?

I'd quite like to be in charge or parking in Bath for one week... Let's say mine would be a relaxed approach.

That's certainly worlds away from what you're doing now! How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Friendly, Generous, Hungry.

Getting into the festive mood? Tell us your plans for celebrating Christmas and New Year...

My entire family is arriving on Christmas Eve. I'm cooking for everyone for three days and there will be around 15 of us. It will be manic but I can't wait to get the meat roasting! For New Year we are having a load of mates to our place for a party. We will put the kids to bed and let the games begin...

You won't be hungry after that then! What do you hope to get out of 2016? Any exciting plans or projects lined up?

I would like to pursue some business interests outside of sport. I have some ideas, but they are secret!

Of course, it wouldn't be an interview with David Flatman if we didn't mention rugby. What do you think about the recent Rugby World Cup results?

The right team [New Zealand] won. Japan, Wales and Scotland were fantastic. And the less said about England the better...

What are your thoughts on Sam Burgess' departure - should he have given it another season? [Burgess left Bath after 12 months into his 3 year contract to return to Australia].

I wanted him to, but so what? It's disappointing, but who are we to tell someone unhappy to remain in his or her current situation. He could have handled it better, I'll say that.

Describe your style and what influences it

Most of my smarter clothes are bespoke through necessity. I'm a heavier gent and eventually got tired of buying expensive clothes that didn't fit. I like to have fun, but also like a clasically cut suit.

What are your essential winter accessories?

My Dents gloves travel everywhere with me, naturally. As well as my old wax flat cap. I don't feel the cold, so often only wear a coat to appear normal.

Can't resist a good pair of gloves! Which leads us onto our next question: You've been to Dents HQ a few times before. What has been your favourite aspect from your visits?

John Cundick who, for the last 65 years, had been there working the leather by hand. Incredible diligence and quite a story of dedication. [Cundick retired in May this year]

Have any items within the Dents collection caught your eye?

Yes! The Hampton peccary leather gloves in Navy are the dream for me...

Excellent choice! So that wraps up our interview - thanks for giving us such a riveting insight. We wish you a very merry Christmas and good luck for next year!

