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웹스터 브라더스용 덴트

덴트 장갑

28 MARCH, 2013

웹스터 브라더스용 덴트

We pride ourselves in the incredible selection of gloves that we hold in our museum, and are always looking for new pairs to be added to our collection. So when a new pair arrived on my desk a few weeks ago, with merely a ‘Dents for Webster Bros’ stamp inside it, I had nothing to go on with regards to the history and origins of this piece. So began the mystery…

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Australia Day

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26 JANUARY, 2013

Australia Day

Australia Day is a special event held annually on January 26th, to commemorate an important moment in history: the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships into Australia.

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견습생의 역사

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11 OCTOBER, 2012

견습생의 역사

Apprenticeships have been around in one form or another since the 13th Century and gained popularity in the 1500s. A parent / guardian of a child would pay a craftsman to take on their son or daughter for as long as 9 years. In the 17th Century apprenticeships began to provide training for poorer, illegitimate and orphaned children.

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'Spectacle of Curiosities'

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6 JUNE, 2012

'Spectacle of Curiosities'

In our collection we have a glove worn by Minnie Warren. Cream/fawn leather, right hand glove with whip-stitch seams, in a contrasting brown thread. The glove has 3 tambour points, in cream and brown thread. The cuff has a separate piece of leather attached to the wrist, with a contrasting piece of dark brown leather at the wrist creating a welted effect. The cuff has a scalloped edge with dome style studs in dark brown/black.  

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Driving Gloves - A Brief History

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14 APRIL, 2012

Driving Gloves - A Brief History

When the motorcar began to make its appearance during the 1890s, driving was a very cold occupation during winter weather, as there was no internal heating in cars until the 1930s.

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