We take a look at three ways to wear a summer scarf and how best to style them. 

The Basic Loop

This is perhaps the most convenient way to style a summer scarf and allows you to fully appreciate the accessory’s pattern, colour and any intricate detailing. Simply place the scarf around the back of your neck and hang one side lower than the other. Then, take the longest hanging side and loop from the front of your neck to the back. The scarf will feel slightly snug around the neck, but leave the rest of the material to just hang and do its own thing. When styling a scarf in this way, it’s best to be pair it with a plain black top or tee. This is to make sure all eyes on the accessory and the outfit doesn’t look too busy.

Wrap Around with Knot

If you want to achieve a vintage look, then this is a great way to wear a summer scarf. This look can be achieved using either a square or rectangular version of the accessory. To achieve this look, fold the scarf in half and roll the wider end towards the smaller, until you reach about halfway. Then, place the scarf over your shoulder and tie in a knot of your liking. This will help to create a summer look that oozes sophistication.

Ascot Knot

The Ascot Knot is versatile and makes a perfect finishing touch to smart dresses and suit jackets. It is, ideal then, for a day spent on the side of the racetrack drinking copious amounts of bubbly.  Simply fold the scarf in half, put around your neck and bring the folded end in front of the other end. Pass the folded end underneath, lift it up and pull it through, so it is visible from the front. Feel free to adjust the length of this end to suit your look.


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